Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Christ's Empowerment Center Ministries

Their smiles are a reflection of their motto,
Matthew 19:26 "...with God all things are possible."

It reminds me of a couple quotes I read recently.

"...the discovery of true purpose is not any one person's job. It is the job of the gathered community, to remind one another that the lives God is calling us to are the ones that we are living right now.
Barbara Brown Taylor

The other one is..."To grasp God in all things - this is the sign of your new birth."
Meister Eckhart

Pastor Chuck, his wonderful wife Renee, and dedicated Elder David have a unique and powerful vision to change the community in which they reside in. They are hearers and doers of the word, reaching out to the children, teenagers, young singles, married couples, divorced and the elderly with the hope of the gospel of Jesus Christ.

Courtesy of Scott, Aura, Luanne, Donna, Terry, Joshua and The Professor!
ICMO (Inner City Mobile Outreach) Team at
Ohio Christian University!

For more information about this awesome church contact them at:

Pastor Chuck & Renee Harvey
Christ's Empowerment Center Ministries
1394 E. Main St.Columbus, Ohio 43205
614-565-2435 or 614-402-9605
email :

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